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California: Water

The California Department of Water Resources proposed regulations that would establish criteria and a process for determining the percentage of state financial assistance in flood management projects. The new regulations would add §§570-577 to Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. Public hearings will be held on June 24 and July 29, 2008. Comments are due July 28, 2008.

California: Wildlife

The California Department of Fish and Game is reviewing the amended biological opinion and incidental take statement for a project proposed by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Before amendments, this project was thought to adversely affect species protected by the California Endangered Species Act. p. 940.

Delaware: Water

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control seeks public comment on the proposed pollution control strategy for the Inland Bays. The strategy contains actions needed to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous loads. The hearing will be held June 23, 2008. Comments are due June 30, 2008. pp. 1602-1613.

Kentucky: Water

The Kentucky Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, Division of Water, gives notice of a public hearing regarding 401 KAR Chapter 6, sections of which set forth regulations on well construction. The hearing will be held June 25, 2008. Comments are due June 30, 2008.

Missouri: Water

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Clean Water Commission, is proposing an amendment to construction and operating permits that would exempt pesticide application from permit regulations. Pesticides exempt from the regulation would still have to be applied in a manner consistent with the FIFRA and the Missouri Pesticide Use Act. A public hearing will be held September 10, 2008. Comments are due September 17, 2008. p. 1134.