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California: Climate Change

The California Air Resources Board released and will hold a board hearing on the proposed AB 32 Scoping Plan. The AB 32 Scoping Plan contains the main strategies California will use to reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause climate change. The Scoping Plan has a range of GHG reduction actions which include direct regulations, alternative compliance mechanisms, monetary and non-monetary incentives, voluntary actions, and market-based mechanisms such as a cap-and-trade system. The hearing will be December 11, 2008.

California: Climate Change

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) will hold a public hearing on proposed adoption of Rules 2700, General, and 2701, SoCal Climate Solutions Exchange. The rules would develop a program for voluntary, high-quality, certified greenhouse gas emission reductions in the District. The District Governing Board, with concurrence from the California Air Resources Board, would pre-approve program protocols, and AQMD staff would verify reductions. The hearing will be held November 7, 2008.

Texas: Waste

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality adopted amendments to §§305.43, 305.62, and 305.70 with changes to the proposed text as published in the November 30, 2007, issue of the Texas Register.