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Montana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to ARM 17.56.101 and 17.56.402, pertaining to leak detection of USTs. The amendments would add the definition of "terminal piping" to ARM 17.56.101, amend ARM 17.56.402 to exempt terminal piping from the leak detection and tightness testing requirements, and provide an alternative technically feasible method for leak detection. The exempt piping would be leak tested annually using the procedures described in American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practices. The hearing will be held November 5, 2008.

Montana: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to ARM 12.2.501 and 12.5.201, regarding gray wolf management in Montana. The amended rules will not come into effect until the gray wolf is removed from the federal list of endangered species under the ESA and sole jurisdiction over the management of the gray wolf is given to the state. pp. 2165-78.

Nevada: Air

The State Environmental Commission proposed amendments to NAC 445B, provisions governing regional haze. The amendments would define the term "best available retrofit technology" for certain purposes relating to regional haze and set the standards for emission limitation for that technology for certain sources.

Nevada: Waste

The State Environmental Commission proposed amendments to NAC 445A, NAC 459, and NAC 590, provisions relating to hazardous substance releases.

Nevada: Water

The State Environmental Commission proposed amendments to NAC 445A, provisions relating to public water systems.

New York: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed to promulgate Part 248, Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles. These regulations would require the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and best available retrofit technology on covered heavy duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) owned by, operated by or on behalf of, or leased by state agencies and state and regional public authorities.

Rhode Island: Air

The Department of Environmental Management adopted amendments to Air Resources Rules No. 9, Air Pollution Control Permits; No. 11, Petroleum Liquids Marketing and Storage; No. 22, Air Toxics; No. 36, Control of Emissions From Organic Solvent Cleaning; as well as to its General Definitions Regulations.

Alaska: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation adopted amendments to 18 AAC 50, Air Quality Control. Existing air permit standard conditions were updated and additional air permit standard conditions were added to address common requirements for air quality control permits. The Department's In Situ Burning Guidelines for Alaska were also revised and adopted by reference. The changes take effect on November 9, 2008.