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New York: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Conservation seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Part 41, Section 41.3, Sanitary Condition of Shellfish Lands. This proposed and emergency rulemaking is necessary to prohibit the harvest of shellfish from areas that do not meet water quality standards. Comments are due November 17, 2008.

North Carolina: Air

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 15A NCAC 02Q .0207, Annual Emissions Reporting; .0701, Applicability; .0702, Exemptions; .0706, Modifications; and .0709, Demonstrations.

Texas: Waste

The Commission on Environmental Quality amended 30 TAC §328.4, Waste Minimization and Recycling. The amendments establish rules regarding the size, characteristics, and fire safety features for non-permitted and non-registered municipal solid waste recycling facilities that store combustible materials to produce compost or mulch and are located in certain counties that have areas designated as recharge or transition zones of a sole source aquifer and that have a population of more than 1.3 million.

Utah: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to R307-121, General Requirements: Clean Fuel Vehicle Tax Credits.

Virginia: Waste

The Waste Management Board adopted amendments to 9VAC20-80, Solid Waste Management Regulations. The amendments clarify the closure definition and procedure with particular reference to landfills subject to §10.1-1413.2 of the Code of Virginia; address plans and actions related to the management of landfill gas and odors; provide an option for facilities to apply for research, design, and development; and delete automatic public hearings for certain permit or amendment issuance process. The amendments also broaden the definition of "airport" to include military airfields.

Virginia: Waste

The Waste Management Board adopted amendments to 9VAC25-640, Aboveground Storage Tank and Pipeline Facility Financial Responsibility Requirements. The regulation requires operators of regulated petroleum aboveground storage tanks and pipeline facilities to demonstrate they have the financial resources available to pay for the costs of containment and cleanup in the event of a release from their tanks.