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Wisconsin: Air

The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposed amendments to Wis. Admin. Code NR §§484.04(16), (19), and (20) and creation of Wis. Admin. Code NR §§419.02 (6g), (6r), (8m), (10m), (14g), (14r), (15m), (19), (20), (21) and (22) and 419.045 relating to volatile organic compound emission controls for industrial wastewater collection and treatment operations.

Wisconsin: Air

The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposed amendments to Wis. Admin. Code NR §439.075(2)(c)3.j. and creation of Wis. Admin. Code NR §421.07 relating to the application of reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compound emissions from certain operations within the synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry.

Alabama: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Management will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ala. Admin. Code r. 335-6-15-.02, Definitions; 335-6-15-.04, Interim Prohibition for Deferred UST Systems; 335-6-15-.10, Operation and Maintenance of Corrosion Protection; 335-6-15-.13, Reporting and Recordkeeping; 335-6-15-.45, Delivery Prohibition; 335-6-15-.46, Operator Training; and 335-6-15-.47, Severability.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Ariz. Admin. Code §18-9-A316(E)(1), relating to delegation of responsibilities. The amendments would revise the delegation of Water Quality Management general functions and duties pertaining to the administration of Type 1 and Type 4 General Aquifer Protection Permits delegated to Yuma County by expanding delegation of authority subject to certain conditions and limitations described in the delegation agreement. Comments are due August 16, 2009.

California: Water

The State Water Resources Control Board will hold a public hearing to receive comments and to consider adopting proposed non-substantive amendments to the California Ocean Plan. The Ocean Plan establishes water quality standards for California's ocean waters and provides the basis for regulation of wastes discharged into the state's near-coastal ocean waters. The Ocean Plan applies to point and nonpoint source discharges. The hearing will be September 15, 2009.