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Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to ARM 17.40.318 and the adoption of a new rule pertaining to state revolving fund and public water and sewer projects eligible for categorical exclusion from review. The amendments would restrict the current exclusion to "minor" ancillary facilities and would expand the current exclusion to include rehabilitation projects that are not "minor." A new provision would prohibit use of the exclusion for upgrades or extensions that are primarily for the purposes of future development.

Arizona: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality is repealing Appendix 10, Evaluation of Air Quality Data, and Appendix 11, Allowable Particulate Emissions Computations, in their entirety. The Department determined that the information contained in Appendix 10 is out of date and does not comply with current monitoring protocols as designated by U.S. EPA. The Department also determined that Appendix 11 is not useful because the actual values must be calculated using the equation included in the rules, not the graph.

Arkansas: Governance

The Oil and Gas Commission adopted amendments to Rule A-8: Reporting Requirements for Mineral Proceeds Escrow Accounts; Rule B-2: Proof of Financial Responsibility Required To Be Furnished; Rule B-4: Well Drilling, Completion & Workover Requirements; Rule B-11: Domestic Natural Gas Wells & Conversion of Permitted Oil and Natural Gas Wells For Use as Domestic Natural Gas or Fresh Water Supply Wells; Rule D-7: Natural Gas to be Metered; and Rule D-8: Monthly Natural Gas Production Reports.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board postponed the public hearing on proposed amendments to CCR title 17 §94011, CP-201 Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF), and addition of Test Procedure 201.8, Determination of the Permeation Rate from a Gasoline Dispensing Facility Hose. The regulation would control reactive organic gases emitted from GDF hoses. The proposed regulation would require that existing hoses be replaced with hoses that reduce permeation by 2014.

California: Air

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Rule 317, CAA Nonattainment Fees. The objective of the proposed amendments is to implement the mandatory provisions of the 1990 amendments to the federal CAA as they apply to major stationary sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or nitrogen oxide (NOx) located in the AQMD portions of the South Coast Air Basin or Salton Sea Air Basin. The hearing will be March 6, 2009. Comments are due February 24, 2009.