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Wisconsin: Air

The Bureau of Air Management proposed amendments to Wis. Admin. Code NR §488, Record Keeping Requirements. The amendments would require persons or facilities who perform refrigerant recovery services on equipment to be salvaged or dismantled and owned by another person to provide copies of records to the owner regarding their work with each piece of equipment serviced. The facility performing this service is already required to develop and keep these records. pp.

Alaska: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation adopted amendments to Alaska Admin. Code tit. 18, §§50.030, 52.005, 52.060, and 52.990, dealing with the State Air Quality Control Plan and the Anchorage Vehicle Emission Inspection & Maintenance Program.

California: Toxic substances

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 27, §25705, Specific Regulatory Levels Posing No Significant Risk. The amendments would establish a specific regulatory level posing no significant risk for fumonisin B1. Comments are due November 23, 2009. pp. 1771-73.

Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:1-09, Scioto river drainage basin; 3745:1-11, Maumee river drainage basin; 3745:1-17, Southwest Ohio tributaries drainage basin; 3745:1-18, Little Miami river drainage basin; and 3745:1-25, Mahoning river drainage basin. The amendments would change beneficial use designations (aquatic life, water supply, and recreational categories) for specified water bodies in the Scioto River, Maumee River, Southwest Ohio tributaries, Little Miami River, and Mahoning River drainage basins.

Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:88-01 and 3745:88-02, loan assistance and subsidy to public water systems. The amendments would allow increased flexibility in the administration of disadvantaged community loans, allow the Division of Drinking and Ground Waters to award a greater amount in principal forgiveness and extended term loans, and allow the division to quickly and efficiently allocate resources. The hearing will be held June 4, 2009.

South Dakota: Water

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources adopted S.D. Admin. R. 174:05:12, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Program. The rules establish a system for awarding funding provided to the State Revolving Fund programs by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, allow the waiver of a financial status summary for certain applications, and modify the deadline for forfeiture of principal forgiveness.

Tennessee: Waste

The Department of Environment and Conservation proposed amendments to Tenn. Comp R. & Regs. 1200-01-20, Asbestos Accreditation Requirements. These new rules would apply to persons and firms that engage in asbestos activities and to providers of accredited training courses.