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Idaho: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.01, Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho. The amendments would develop air quality rules designed to limit and control mercury emissions from certain facilities. The hearing will be held October 28, 2009. p. 496.

Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board adopted amendments to 35 Ill. Admin. Code 211, Definitions and General Provisions; and 35 Ill. Admin. Code 217, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emissions. The amendments are designed to control NOx emissions from major stationary sources in the nonattainment areas and from emission units including industrial boilers, process heaters, glass melting furnaces, cement kilns, lime kilns, furnaces used in steelmaking and aluminum melting, and fossil fuel-fired stationary boilers at such sources.

Indiana: Water

The Natural Resources Commission proposed amendments to 312 Ind. Admin. Code 11, governing public freshwater lakes to define and establish standards for a general license to place an aerator. The amendments clarify that an aerator that is not authorized by a general license may not be placed in a public freshwater lake absent a person's prior receipt of an individual license.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 20, Scope of Title-Definitions-Forms-Rules of Practice; r. 22, Controlling Pollution; r. 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants; r. 25, Measurement of Emissions; r. 28, Ambient Air Quality Standards; and r. 33, Special Regulations and Construction Permit Requirements for Major Stationary Sources-Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants; r. 25, Measurement of Emissions; and r. 34, Provisions for Air Quality Emissions Trading Programs. The amendments remove from the state air quality rules EPA's Clean Air Mercury Rule provisions that were vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The amendments also add new mercury monitoring provisions to the state air quality rules.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 61, Water Quality Standards; and r. 62, Effluent and Pretreatment Standards: Other Effluent Limitations or Prohibitions.

Massachusetts: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 310 Mass. Code Regs. 7.02, Plan Approval and Emission Limitations; 310 CMR 7.29, Emissions Standards for Power Plants; and 310 CMR 7.00 Appendix D, Mercury Monitoring and Testing Program. The amendments would reinstate and clarify Massachusetts requirements related to mercury monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping. The hearing will be held November 2, 2009.

Missouri: Air

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10 §10-6.390, Control of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions From Large Stationary Internal Combustion Engines. This amendment would limit NOx emissions for both large stationary diesel and dual fuel internal combustion engines and add a NOx exemption limit. The hearing will be December 3, 2009. pp. 2145 - 46.