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Florida: Water

The Department of Health proposed amendments to Fla. Admin. Code r. 64E-15.002, Sites § Mobile Home, Lodging, and Recreational Vehicle Parks; 64E-15.003, Water Supply 64E-15.004 Sewage Disposal; 64E-15.006, Plumbing; 64E-15.007, Garbage and Refuse Disposal; 64E-15.009, Recreational Camp Standards; and 64E-15.010, Permits and Fees.

Illinois: Toxic substances

The Pollution Control Board seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, §739, Standards for the Management of Used Oil; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 808, Special Waste Classifications; and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809, Nonhazardous Special Waste Hauling and the Uniform Program. The proposed amendments are intended to exempt used oil that is defined by, and managed in accordance with, Part 739 and also to exempt from those requirements four specific mixture of used oil and other materials.

Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board temporarily amended 326 Ind. Admin. Code 8-1-0.5, 8-1-2, 8-1-4, 8-2-1, 8-2-2, 8-2-5 through 8-2-7, 8-2-9, 8-2-10, and 8-5-5 regarding updated volatile organic compounds reasonably available control technology standards for Lake County and Porter County. The rules became effective September 3, 2009.

Indiana: Water

The Water Pollution Control Board will hold a public hearing on 327 Ind. Admin. Code 8, drinking water amendments and new rules concerning the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule, Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, Ground Water Rule, and Lead and Copper Rule Short-Term Regulatory Revisions. The hearing will be October 14, 2009.

Iowa: Land use

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 65, Animal Feeding Operations. These amendments correct definitions and requirements related to animal feeding operations that are needed to make Chapter 65 consistent with statutory amendments adopted during the 2008 legislative session. Additional changes bring administrative rules into compliance with federal regulations related to the NPDES permit program and address outdated references.

Iowa: Toxic substances

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 134, UST Licensing Certification Programs; and 135, Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of USTs.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 62, Effluent and Pretreatment Standards: Other Effluent Limits or Prohibitions; and Chapter 63, Monitoring, Analytical and Reporting Requirements. The amendments address new technical data received from U.S. EPA relating to E. coli effluent limits and reduce the burden on smaller communities in regard to nutrient monitoring requirements. pp. 703-04.

Kentucky: Air

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet will hold a public hearing on 401 Ky. Admin Regs. 51:001 and 51:017, prevention of significant deterioration of air quality; and 401 Ky. Admin Regs. 51:052, review of new sources in or impacting upon nonattainment areas. The amendments propose to adopt federal revisions to the list of major sources relating to prevention of significant deterioration, new source review, and Title V applicability and remove the existing requirements for clean units and pollution control projects.