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Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments on Ohio Admin. Code 3745:1-05, Antidegradation; and Ohio Admin. Code 3745:1-07, Water Use Designations and Statewide Criteria. The proposed changes will revise the definitions of the recreation use designations, remove fecal coliform water quality criteria, and revise E. coli water quality criteria. The hearing will be September 10, 2009.

Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments on Ohio Admin. Code 3745:91-02, Application for Approval of Plans; Ohio Admin. Code 3745:91-03, Requirements for Plan Drawings; and Ohio Admin. Code 3745:91-08, Procedure for Approval. The amendments establish requirements for plan drawings and procedures for plan approval or modification. The hearing will be September 15, 2009.

Pennsylvania: Water

The Delaware River Basin Commission, a federal-state regional agency, will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Commission's Water Quality Regulations, Water Code and Comprehensive Plan.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Utah Admin. Code r. 309-100, Administration: Drinking Water Program; Utah Admin. Code r. 309-105, Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems; and Utah Admin. Code r. 309-110, Administration: Definitions.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Utah Admin. Code r. 309-200, Monitoring and Water Quality: Drinking Water Standards; Utah Admin. Code r. 309-205, Monitoring and Water Quality: Source Monitoring Requirements; and Utah Admin. Code r. 309-210, Monitoring and Water Quality: Distribution System Monitoring Requirements. The amendments address how the 90th percentile lead and copper result will be determined for small systems, the monitoring requirements for microbiological contaminants, public education, corrosion control, and monitoring.

Utah: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Utah Admin. Code r. 309-215, Monitoring and Water Quality: Treatment Plant Monitoring Requirements; Utah Admin. Code r. 309-220, Monitoring and Water Quality: Public Notification Requirements; Utah Admin. Code r. 309-225, Monitoring and Water Quality: Consumer Confidence Reports. The amendments address general requirements, monitoring, reporting, record keeping, public notification, and consumer confidence report requirements. Comments are due August 31, 2009.