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Delaware: Toxic substances

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Del. Code Ann. Code tit 7, §1351, Delaware Regulations Governing UST Systems. The proposed changes to the UST regulations incorporate federal requirements, add clarifying language, and seek to ensure the greatest protection of human health, safety, and the environment in Delaware. The hearing will be January 12, 2010.

Florida: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a rulemaking workshop on proposed amendments to Fla. Admin. Code Ann. r. 62-302.700, Special Protection, Outstanding Florida Waters, Outstanding National Resource Waters. The amendments would designate certain waters in the Matanzas River basin as Outstanding Florida Waters. The petitioned area includes the coastal estuary between Moultrie Creek and the City of Palm Coast in southern St. Johns County and northern Flagler County. The hearing will be January 19, 2010.

Florida: Water

The St. Johns River Water Management District proposed amendments to Fla. Admin. Code Ann. r. 40C-1.603, Permit Fees. The proposed amendments would increase the fee for all noticed general environmental resource permits to $250, create a $100 fee for District verification that an activity is exempt from regulation, create a $100 fee for an informal wetland boundary determination, increase each application fee authorized based on a Consumer Price Index, and establish the Consumer Price Index used for calculating those fees increases.

Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, §218, Organic Material Emission Standard and Limitations for the Chicago Area; and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 219, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area. The proposed rulemaking intends to satisfy Illinois' obligation to submit a SIP addressing requirements under the federal CAA for sources of volatile organic material emissions in areas designated as nonattainment with respect to the ozone NAAQS. Comments are due January 4, 2010.

Illinois: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Ill. Admin. Code tit. 17, §830, Commercial Fishing and Musseling in Certain Waters of the State. This part is being amended to make the rule consistent with the rules established by the state of Kentucky and is intended to reduce confusion and improve compliance by establishing the areas of the Ohio River that are open to commercial fishing, adopt a restricted area, establish harvest seasons for the commercial harvest of shovelnose sturgeon and paddlefish, and adopt season dates consistent with Kentucky's.

Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board adopted amendments to 326 Ind. Admin. Code 8-1-0.5, 8-1-2, 8-1-4, 8-2-1, 8-2-2, 8-2-5, 8-2-6, 8-2-7, 8-2-9, 8-2-10, and 8-5-5 concerning the application of reasonably available control technology for volatile organic compound emissions from surface coating and flexible package printing graphic arts operations in Lake County and Porter County.

Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board adopted amendments to 326 Ind. Admin. Code 8-16, 8-17, and 8-22. The amendments add rules for offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing; industrial solvent cleaning; miscellaneous industrial adhesives; synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry air oxidation, distillation, and reactor processes; batch process vents; industrial wastewater treatment; and aerospace manufacturing and rework operations to the new volatile organic compound reasonably available control technology rules for Lake County and Porter County.

Indiana: Land use

The Natural Resources Commission adopted amendments to 312 Ind. Admin. Code 6-2-3.8, 6-2-6.8, and 6-5-10 concerning navigable waters; and 312 IAC 10-2-24.5, 312 IAC 10-2-33.3, and 312 IAC 10-5-11, concerning non-navigable waters. The amendments address general licenses and individual licenses that govern prospecting for hard mineral resources.

Indiana: Water

The Natural Resources Commission adopted amendments to 312 Ind. Admin. Code 6-1-1, 6-4-1, 6-4-2, 6-4-3, 6-1-4, 6-1-5, 6-2-3.7, 6-4-4, and 6-4-5, governing the placement of structures in navigable waters. The amendments provide new standards pertaining to the placement of piers and incorporate by reference a nonrule policy document, which assists with the identification of riparian zones, for use as guidance in performing regulatory functions.