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Washington: Governance

The Department of Ecology proposed amendments to Wash. Admin. Code §17350, Accreditation of Environmental Laboratories. The amendments will change the fee schedule of Ecology's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program and will change some business practices to reflect a cut in the program budget.

Colorado: Air

The Air Quality Control Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 5 Colo. Code Regs. §1001-2, Common Provisions Regulation. The amendments would adjust the definitions of "negligibly reactive volatile organic compound" and "volatile organic compound" to make them consistent with the federal definitions. The hearing will be December 17, 2009.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control adopted amendments to Del. Code Ann. tit. 7, §1138, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories. The purpose of this proposed amendment is to provide increased protection for Delaware citizens against a variety of potential adverse health effects linked to a long-term exposure to cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, or nickel compounds.

Florida: Land use

The Department of Environmental Protection, if requested, will hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of Fla. Admin. Code Ann. rr. 62-348.100, Purpose and Applicability; 62-348.200, Definitions; 62-348.300, Application Requirements; 62-348.500, Conditions for Issuance; 62-348.600, Wetland Mitigation Design and Technical Criteria; 62-348.700, Transfer of Permit; 62-348.800, Reports; and 62-348.900, Forms.

Florida: Water

The Northwest Florida Water Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Fla. Admin. Code Ann. rr. 40A-2.051, Exemptions; 40A-2.101, Content of Application; 40A-2.351, Transfer of Permits; 40A-2.381, Limiting Conditions; and 40A-2.901, Forms.