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Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10, §20-7.015, Effluent Regulations. This amendment will provide a mechanism to place escherichia coli bacteria limits and effluent monitoring requirements into permits. This amendment will remove the provision that allows publicly owned treatment works to permit intermittent wet-weather outfalls that are not subject to secondary treatment.

Montana: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Montana Admin. R. 17.55.102, 17.55.108, 17.55.111, and 17.55.114 pertaining to definitions, facility listing, facility ranking, and delisting a facility on the CECRA priority list; the adoption of New Rules I through V pertaining to incorporation by reference, proper and expeditious notice, third-party remedial actions at order sites, additional remedial actions not precluded, and orphan share reimbursement; and the repeal of Montana Admin. R.17.55.101, pertaining to purpose.

New Jersey: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to N.J.Admin.Code §7:27-9, Sulfur in Fuels. The amendments would lower the maximum sulfur content standard and maximum sulfur dioxide emissions standards for fuel oil sold for use in New Jersey. The hearing will be January 5, 2010.

New Mexico: Air

The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board adopted amendments to N.M. Code R. §20.11.47, Emissions Inventory Requirements. The amendments provide flexibility to require emissions reports from sources with air quality permits, but not from smaller sources with registrations unless it becomes necessary in the future.

Ohio: Air

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendment to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:14-01, definitions and general provisions; and 3745:14-06, nitrogen oxide (NOx) allowance tracking system. The amendments are being proposed to facilitate the transition of the affected units from the NOx SIP call into the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) program and to begin the process of sunsetting the parts of Ohio Admin. Code 3745-14 that will no longer be needed as a result of Ohio's CAIR rules beginning in 2009. The hearing will be December 1, 2009.

Oregon: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Or. Admin. R. 340-252, Transportation Conformity. The amendments would lengthen the interval between conformity demonstrations from three to four years, allow a one-year grace period for areas newly subject to conformity, and simplify requirements for localized "hot-spot" analyses. The hearing will be November 23, 2009.

Virginia: Water

The Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board seeks public comment on proposed amendments to 4 Va. Admin. Code §50-60. Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations. The amendments establish a statewide base fee schedule for stormwater management projects and establishes the fee assessment and the collection and distribution systems for those fees, change the technical criteria applicable to stormwater discharges from construction activities, and establish minimum criteria for locality-administered stormwater management programs. Comments are due November 25, 2009.

Washington: Air

The Department of Ecology proposed adoption of new Wash. Admin. Code §173-441, Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases. This rule would adopt a mandatory greenhouse gas reporting rule for owners or operators of fleets of on-road motor vehicles that as a fleet emit at least 2,500 metric tons of greenhouse gases annually in the state; or sources or combination of sources that emit at least 10,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases annually in the state.