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Florida: Water

The Southwest Florida Water Management District proposed amendments to 40D-1.659, regulations dealing with water use permits. The revised forms will coordinate with ongoing refinements in the information-gathering capabilities of the District§s Water Management Information System, or WMIS, which is being expanded to allow electronic submittal of a greater range of permit applications.

New York: Governance

The Department of Environmental Conservation will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Title 6 NYCRR, Environmental Performance Labels. The amendments would incorporate revisions California has made to its vehicle emission control program to include environmental performance labels. The hearings will be held May 11, 12, and 13, 2009. pp. 23-26.

Oregon: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Solid Waste Composting Facilities. The amendments would clarify financial assurance requirements for solid waste disposal facilities and public notice requirements for renewal of several solid waste permits. The hearings will be held April 23 and 28, 2009.

Pennsylvania: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting of the Marcellus Shale Wastewater Partnership. The Marcellus Shale Wastewater Partnership is a collaborative effort of the Marcellus Shale Committee and the Department to examine wastewater issues facing the natural gas industry and identify technologies and treatment techniques that will ensure adequate protection of our water resources while allowing for the treatment and disposal of wastewater generated during extraction.

Pennsylvania: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comment on its draft Assessment and Listing Methodology. The methodology is a compilation of the protocols being used to assess waters that will appear in the 2010 Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. Comments are due June 11, 2009.

Tennessee: Air

The Department of Environment and Conservation has proposed amendments to 1200-03-14, Control of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions. The proposed amendment deletes the condition of a 20,000 ton maximum level of measured sulfur dioxide emissions as a mandatory prerequisite for a waiver of the monitoring requirement.

Tennessee: Waste

The Department of Environment and Conservation has proposed amendments to 1200-01-14, Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Facilities. The amendments are intended to enable the Commissioner to issue a permit with a variance from the 1,500-feet buffer requirement, but not less than 1,000 feet, to a new commercial hazardous waste management facility without land disposal or thermal treatment units that is sited at a location that was formally permitted as a commercial hazardous waste management facility. The amendments also address approved variances.

Tennessee: Water

The Department of Environment and Conservation has proposed amendments to 1200-05-01, Public Water Systems. The amendments were drafted for Rule 1200-05-01-.33, Control of Lead and Copper, based on the new federal rule requirements contained in 40 CFR 141.80 -141 .91, and include changes in Rule 1200-05-01-.14, Laboratory Certification, and 1200-05-01-.35, Consumer Confidence Reports, that were required as a part of amending the Lead and Copper Rule.

Connecticut: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed adoption of Conn. Agencies Regs. §§26-141b-1 to 26-141b-9, Stream Flow Standards and Regulations. The proposed rules establish flow standards and other regulatory requirements for all river and stream systems in the state. These proposed rules expand the coverage of and eventually replace the existing requirements found in the Minimum Stream Flow Standards and Regulations of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. The hearing will be January 21, 2010.