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Nebraska: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a video conference on the proposed addition of a new section to Title 119, Chapter 28, Permits-By-Rule. Application of pesticides, including herbicides, or fungicides for the control of mosquito larvae, aquatic weeds, or other pests to, over, or near waters of the state would be permitted under this rule provided that the pesticide applicator complies with the applicable requirements. The conference will be March 31, 2009.

Nevada: Energy

The Public Utilities Commission adopted amendments to NAC 704.953, Definitions. The amendments establish for public utilities that purchase natural gas for resale methods and programs to remove financial disincentives that discourage public utilities from supporting energy conservation and other related utility matters.

New Jersey: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Protection readopted with amendments N.J.A.C. 7:1J, Processing of Damage Claims Pursuant to the Spill Compensation and Control Act Rules. These rules establish the procedures concerning the processing of all claims under the Act for damages resulting from the discharge of a hazardous substance or a threatened hazardous substance.

Florida: Waste

The Department of Health has begun rule development on proposed amendments to 64E-6.001 through 64E-6.001. Areas to be discussed include but are not limited to: onsite sewage treatment and disposal system design, permitting, construction, modification, repair, and maintenance; septic tank contractor registration and training standards; septage treatment and disposal; and performance-based treatment standards. All aspects of the rule are open for discussion by the Technical Review and Advisory Panel.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Chapter 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants; Chapter 25, Measurement of Emissions; and Chapter 34, Provisions for Air Quality Emissions Trading Programs. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to remove from the state air quality rules the U.S. EPA Clean Air Mercury Rule provisions that were vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Comments are due April 13, 2009.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission adopted amendments to Chapter 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants. The amendments remove from the state air quality rules the NESHAPs for industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers and process heaters and the NESHAPs for brick and structural clay products manufacturing because they were recently vacated. pp. 2022-24.

Iowa: Toxic substances

The Environmental Protection Commission will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Chapter 134, UST Licensing and Certification Programs.