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Florida: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 62-210.200, Definitions; 62-212.300, General Preconstruction Review Requirements; and 62-212.400, Prevention of Significant Deterioration. The proposed rule amendments address Florida's general and preconstruction stationary source requirements. The hearing will be February 27, 2009. pp. 680-681.

Florida: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments to 62-731.020, Definitions; 62-731.030, Small Quantity Generator Assessment, Notification and Verification Program; 62-731.040, County Information Sent to the Department; 62-731.050, Grants, General Specifications; 62-731.060, Small Quantity Generator Assessment, Notification and Verification Program Grant Eligibility and Standards; 62-731.062, Expanded Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Grant Eligibility and Standards; and 62-731.064, Award of Grant Funds.

Florida: Land use

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 62B-26.001, Description of the Walton County Coastal Construction Control Line. The amendments would more accurately define that portion of the beach dune system which is subject to severe fluctuations based on the 100-year storm surge and storm waves, and thus define the area within which special siting and design considerations are required to ensure protection of the beach dune system, proposed or existing structures, adjacent properties, and the preservation of public beach access.

Florida: Water

The Southwest Florida Water Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 40D-1.607, Permit Processing Fee; 40D-2.091, Publications Incorporated by Reference; 40D-2.301, Conditions for Issuance of Permits; 40D-2.321, Duration of Permits. The rulemaking is intended to set forth the permit fee and criteria for 20-year water use permits. The hearing will be February 27, 2009. p. 673-75.

Florida: Water

The Southwest Florida Water Management District proposed amendments to 40D-2.041, Permits Required. The proposed amendments will clarify that for permits authorizing surface water withdrawals, only those for which the primary source is a surface water and the combined annual average daily water demand is at least 50,000 gallons per day will be categorized as General Permits. pp. 673-74.

Florida: Water

The South Florida Water Management District will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 40E-1.607, Permit Application Processing Fees. The proposed revisions reflect upward adjustments to fees based on the Consumer Price Index, reflect new categories of authorized fees, and adjust fees to more accurately reflect the costs of "processing, monitoring, and inspecting for compliance." The hearing will be March 4, 2009.

Illinois: Land use

The Department of Natural Resources seeks public comment on proposed amendments to 17 Ill. Adm. Code 1536, Forestry Development Cost-Share Program. The amendments are being proposed to provide a more diverse cost-share program to landowners in management of their forest lands by providing a revised/increased cost basis for implementation of forest management practices outlined in approved forest management plans. Comments are due March 29, 2009.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to LAC 33: VII.508, 709, 717, and 719, Solid Waste Buffer Zone. The regulations covering buffer zone requirements for solid waste non-processing transfer stations and solid waste processing and disposal facilities are proposed for amendment to clarify who must provide permission for a waiver of buffer zone requirements. The hearing will be March 31, 2009. pp. 309-310.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to LAC 33: IX.7301, 7303, 7305, 7307, 7309, 7313, and 7395, Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids. This rule implements Act 56 of the 2008 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, which transferred the registration program for haulers of domestic septage from the Department of Health and Hospitals to the Department of Environmental Quality. The transportation requirements contain standards for sewage sludge transportation vehicles. The hearing will be March 31, 2009.