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Florida: Wildlife

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Fla. Admin. Code Ann. r. 68B-47, regarding weakfish regulations, to comply with new regulations set by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Among other proposed changes, the new laws would reduce the recreational bag limit and introduce commercial harvest limits. The hearing will be on June 23-24, during the regular meeting of the commission.

Iowa: Water

The Department of Natural Resources intends to change Chapter 9, Groundwater Hazard Documentation, of the Iowa Administrative Code. The amendments would incorporate changes to the private sewage disposal requirements contained in Iowa Admin. Code r. 455B.172(11) and the groundwater hazard statement requirements contained in Iowa Admin. Code r. 558.69. pp. 2699-700.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Agriculture and Forestry has declared an emergency rule changing La. Admin. Code 7:XXIII.143 and altering the restrictions on the use of the pesticides 2, 4-D and ULV Malathion/Pyrethroid to combat insects infesting rice and cotton crops. pp. 914-16.

Louisiana: Wildlife

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has declared an emergency rule closing all commercial and recreational fishing in large portions of Louisiana waters affected by the Deepwater Horizon spill in order to protect existing aquatic life and ensure that no fish harvested for consumption is tainted with hydrocarbons. In addition, the department has closed certain waters to shrimping while instituting a special shrimp season in others. 963-66.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Marine Resources has proposed changes to 13-188 Me. Code R. §§26.07(1) and 26.07(2) to institute season limits of 45 days for the taking of sea urchins, and changes to 13-188 Me. Code R. §8.20(P), which would institute mandatory trip and area level harvest reporting by urchin harvesters. The public hearings will be on June 15 and 16, 2010, and the deadline for written comment is June 28, 2010.

Maryland: Water

The Department of the Environment has proposed changes to Md. Code Regs. 26.17.02, Stormwater Management, to allow municipalities to grandfather in projects started before the May 2010 code changes and to assist in smart growth. A public hearing will be held on June 2, 2010, and the deadline for comments is June 21, 2010. pp.774-776.