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Arizona: Energy

The Corporation Commission proposed to amend Ariz. Rev. Stat. §14-2-25, Gas Utility Energy Utility Energy Efficiency Standards. Changes would require utilities, by 2020, to achieve cumulative annual energy savings equal to at least six percent of the affected utility§s retail gas energy sales for calendar year 2019. The deadline for written comments is October 18, 2010, and there will be a public hearing on October 28. Final approval is expected in December 2010.

California: Toxic substances

The Department of Toxic Substances Control proposed to add a new chapter 53, Safer Consumer Products Alternatives, to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 22, div. 4.5. The chapter would identify and prioritize those chemicals or chemical ingredients in consumer products that may be considered a chemical of concern and establish a process for evaluating chemicals of concern in consumer products, and their potential alternatives, to determine how best to limit exposure or to reduce the level of hazard posed by priority chemicals. The written comment period ends November 1, 2010.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources has submitted a rule that amends Wis. Admin. Code NR chs. 8, 10, 12, and 17, relating to the 2010 Wildlife Management Bureau housekeeping rule, license and permit procedures, game and hunting, wildlife damage and nuisance control, and dog trials and training. A public hearing will be held on June 7, 2010. p. 19.

Arizona: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality raised fees for hazardous and solid waste permits for 2011, including a seven-fold increase in hazardous waste generation per ton for large quantity generators, the adoption of fees for small quantity generators, and an increase in landfill registration fees. The fees become effective July 1, 2010. pp. 846-50.