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California: Air

The Air Resources Board proposed amendments to the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program. Changes would allow commercial truck and bus fleets to submit evidence of passing a Smog Check inspection as proof of compliance with the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program. The hearing will be on October 21, 2010, and the deadline for written comments is October 20. pp. 1362-65.

Florida: Energy

The Executive Office of the Governor proposed to amend Fla. Admin. Code r. 27N-3.001, the ENERGY STAR rebate program. Changes would authorize a third party to administer the HVAC program and would establish which HVAC systems qualify for the rebate, the amount of the rebate, program duration, and application requirements. The comment period closes September 24, 2010.

Iowa: Wildlife

The Natural Resources Commission amended Iowa Admin. Code §571.113, Restitution for Pollution Causing Injury to Wild Animals. Amendments define "priority watershed" and direct compensation collected for natural resource damages from the vicinity of the loss to priority watersheds selected by the Department. A priority watershed is now one in which the principle objective is to manage wild animals and their habitats. The new rules take effect October 13, 2010.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to La. Admin. Code tit. 33:IX §1:9, Spill Prevention and Control. Changes would increase the minimum container volume for applicability of the spill prevention provisions from 660 gallons to 1320 gallons, establish a de minimis container size for aggregate container applicability that excludes containers smaller than 55 gallons of oil from consideration, and increase the interval between operators' required reviews of their spill prevention plans from three years to five years.