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Alabama: Air

The Alabama Management Commission seeks public comment on the proposal to remove Birmingham's nonattainment area status due to air quality monitoring that places the area within acceptable levels of fine particulate matter. The Commission seeks attainment status for the area. The hearing will be on June 9, 2010, and the deadline for written comments is June 11, 2010.

California: Air

The California Air Resources Board proposed revisions to the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32; Statutes of 2006, chapter 488). The changes are proposed to comply with a 2009 executive order that the Air Resources Board adopt a regulation by July 31, 2010, requiring load serving entities to meet a 33% renewable energy target by 2020.

California: Wildlife

The Department of Fish and Game announced that the Friant Water Authority proposes to carry out a maintenance project that may adversely effect species protected under the California Endangered Species Act, including the California tiger salamander. The FWS issued a "no-jeopardy" federal biological opinion, and the Friant Water Authority seeks a determination that the project is in compliance with the California Endangered Species Act. p. 704.

Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control seeks public comment on proposed changes to 7 Del. Admin. Code §1138, which concerns emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants. The proposed changes would add paint strippers containing methylene chloride and motor vehicles that contain probable human carcinogens as area sources. The hearing will be June 10, 2010.