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Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to La. Admin. Code tit. 33:V §§109, 1109, 1901, 1907, 1909 and 4437, Hazardous Waste Tanks Secondary Containment Requirements and 90-Day Turnover of Hazardous Waste. The hearing will be April 28, 2010. Comments are due May 5, 2010. pp. 643-49.

Louisiana: Toxic substances

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to La. Admin. Code tit. 33:I §§3905 and 3931, Reportable Quantity for Brine from Solution Mining. The amendments would provide a new definition for brine from solution mining of salt from underground deposits, which was previously a subset of the definition of produced water. pp. 655-56.

Illinois: Air

The Pollution Control Board will hold public hearings on proposed amendments to Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35 §211, Definitions and General Provisions; §218, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Chicago Area; and §219, Organic Material Emission Standards and Limitations for the Metro East Area. The proposed amendments are to satisfy Illinois' obligation to submit a SIP to address requirements under the federal CAA for sources of volatile organic material emissions in areas designated as nonattainment with respect to the ozone NAAQS.

Oregon: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to Or. Admin. R. 340-200-0040, 340-252-0030, 340-252-0060, 340-252-0070, and 340-252-0230, State of Oregon CAA Implementation Plan. The rules establish requirements for transportation planning agencies including metro (in the Portland area), the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and several councils of government.