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Missouri: Air

The Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to M. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10 §10-6.110 Reporting Emission Data, Emission Fees, and Process Information. This rule provides procedures for reporting emission related information and establishing emission fees for the purpose of state air resource planning. The hearing will be April 29, 2010. Comments are due May 6, 2010. pp. 462-7.

Oregon: Air

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed adoption a new air toxic ambient benchmark concentration for ethyl benzene, revision of two current benchmark concentrations for lead and manganese, and clarification that the mercury benchmark applies only to elemental mercury. The hearing will be April 2, 2010.

Iowa: Land use

The Soil Conservation Division seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 10, Iowa Financial Incentive Program for Soil Erosion Control. The amendments increase slightly the cost share rates for tree and shrub establishment, limit eligibility for land already enrolled in USDA§s Conservation Reserve Program, and remove practice descriptions that can be found in the Natural Resources Conservation Service technical guide. Comments are due April 13, 2010.

Iowa: Water

The Soil Conservation Division seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 12, Water Protection Practices - Water Protection Fund. The proposed amendments change the supplemental allocation deadline from October 15 to September 1. The amendments also split the appropriated funds equally between projects and practices regardless of the total appropriation. Comments are due April 13, 2010. pp. 2281-86.