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California: Water

The State Water Resources Control Board will hold a California Environmental Quality Act scoping meeting to seek input on the scope and content of the environmental information that should be considered in amending the State Water Board§s Water Quality Control Policy for Developing California§s Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. The proposed amendment will incorporate State Water Quality Control Policy for Sediment Quality Objectives for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries, which were effective in August 2009. Comments are due April 12, 2010. The meeting will be March 29, 2010.

Indiana: Wildlife

The Natural Resources Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to 312 Ind. Admin. Code 9-5 to 9-11, which govern definitions, restrictions, standards, licensure and permits applicable to reptiles, amphibians, sport fishing, commercial fishing, and invertebrates, to modify and reorder language for improved clarity, simplicity, and continuity. The hearing will be March 30, 2010.