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California: Energy

The Energy Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed changes to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 20, §2.9.1, relating to the state's "Million Solar Roofs Initiative." The rule currently requires sellers of production homes to offer the option of a solar energy system to all customers negotiating to purchase a new production home constructed on land meeting certain criteria and to disclose certain information. Amendments would define the Homebuyer Solar Option and the Solar Offset Program, and outline the requirements for the solar option.

Connecticut: Energy

The Commissioner of Environmental Protection proposed to amend Reg. Conn. State Agencies §§22a-133v-2 through 5 and §§22a-133v-7(c), (l), (n), (o), (r), (s), (ee) and to adopt new §22a-133v-4(e). The proposed amendments are intended to make the regulations consistent with several statutory changes. Amendments would alter instruction hours requirements and license renewal for board certification, in addition to other changes. There will be a public hearing on November 18, 2010.

Florida: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to revise 62 Fla. Admin. Code §621.300(1), Generic Permit for Discharges From Petroleum Contaminated Sites and §621.300(2), Generic Permit for Discharge of Produced Ground Water From any Non-Contaminated Site Activity. The revisions will reflect current NPDES program requirements, bring effluent monitoring and limitations up-to-date with current limits, and improve and streamline permit issuance. There will be a public hearing on November 8, 2010.