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Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposes to amend La. Admin. Code tit. 33, pt. III, §1101, which mandates that the shade or appearance of emissions from a combustion unit are not darker than 20 percent average opacity. The change modifies the list of activities that may be excepted from the rule, such as cleaning a fire box. pp. 1321-1322.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposes to amend La. Admin. Code tit. 33, pt. III, §509.B to establish a significance level for direct PM2.5 emissions equivalent to the federal level. The comment period will end July 28, 2010. pp. 1322-1323.

Louisiana: Governance

The Department of Environmental Quality has amended La. Admin. Code tit. 33, pt. I, §§3913, 3915, 3917, 3923, 3925; pt. VII, §§315, 713; and pt. XI, §713 to change reporting requirements for the discharge of substances that may cause emergency conditions. pp. 1239-41.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality has amended the Hazardous Waste Regulations, La. Admin. Code tit. 33, pt. V, §§109, 1109, 1901, 1907, 1909.D and E, and 4437.D. The rule sets standards for the use of concrete as an external secondary containment system for hazardous waste tanks. pp. 1234-39.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality amended La. Admin. Code tit. 33, pt. I, §§3905 and 3931.B, which will provide a new definition for brine from solution mining of salt from underground deposits, which was previously a subset of the definition of produced water. As the environmental hazards from brine are much lower than those of produced water, the reportable quantity will be 5,000 pounds for unauthorized discharges. pp. 1241-42.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Conservation amended La. Admin. Code tit. 43, pt. XIX, subpt. 1, ch. 3, repealing the one-time use limitation on exploration and production waste. The purpose of the rule, according to the department, is to aid in the development of the Haynesville Shale, which relies on multi-stage hydraulic fracture stimulation technology. The technology requires large amounts of freshwater to operate, placing a strain on reservoirs and groundwater aquifers. The rule change allows the use of exploration and production waste to act as a substitute for necessary fluids.

Louisiana: Wildlife

The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries proposes to amend La. Admin. Code tit. 76:V, §305, to allow use of pheasants on licensed hunting preserves in areas of the state containing high to medium wild turkey populations provided the pheasants are free of the parasite Heterakis gallinarum. The comment period ends August 5, 2010. pp. 1399-1401.