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Wisconsin: Water

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend Wis. Admin. Code NR §142 and create §856, which would alter requirements for withdrawals of waters of the state and diversions of water from the Great Lakes Basin. The Department also proposed to create §850, which relates to mandatory fees for those withdrawing more than 50,000,000 gallons per year from the waters of the Great Lakes Basin, and §852, which creates mandatory water conservation and efficiency measures for waters withdrawn from the Basin. There will be public hearings on June 28, 29, and 30, 2010.

Alabama: Water

The Department of Environmental Management seeks public comment regarding Ala. Admin. Code Ch. 335-6-7--NPDES Best Management Practices, Registration Requirements, Technical Standards and Guidelines, Construction and Operation Requirements, Waste/Wastewater and Waste Product Treatment, Storage, Handling, Transport, and Disposal/Land Application, Nutrient Management, and Animal Mortality Management Requirements For Owners and Operators of Animal Feeding Operations and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. There will be a public hearing on August 10, 2010.

Alaska: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed to amend Alaska Admin. Code tit. 18, §50.030, to adopt a number of changes to the Air Quality Control Program's carbon monoxide (CO) measures. Among other changes, the department proposed to remove its vehicle inspection and maintenance program as a CO control measure and to implement a plan to demonstrate compliance with particulate matter laws. There will be a public hearing on August 2, 2010, and comments must be received by August 6.

Arizona: Water

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality proposed additions under Ariz. Rev. Stat. §49-305 to the list of pesticides and active ingredients that have the potential to pollute groundwater. Among the new potential pollutants, the department has added Chlorantraniliprole, Flazasulfuron, and Saflufenacil. Chemicals on the list are regulated by the department. The comment period ends July 25, 2010, and the list will become effective December 1, 2010.

Arkansas: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality seeks public comment on a third-party proposal by UMETCO Minerals Corporation to change APC&EC Regulation 2, the Arkansas Water Quality Standards. The corporation seeks to increase the total dissolved standard level and remove the designated water supply for certain areas. The public hearing will be on August 16, and written comments are due by August 30.

California: Air

The Department of Pesticide Regulations proposed Cal. Code Regs. tit. 3, §6860, to designate the pesticide chemical chloropicrin as a toxic air contaminant in a subsection designated for listing pollutants that may pose a health hazard. There will be a public hearing on August 10, 2010, at which point the comment period will close. pp. 977-80.