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Arkansas: Air

The Pollution Control and Ecology Commission seeks public comment on proposed changes to Commission Regulation 2 (Arkansas Water Quality Standards). Changes include significant revisions to physical habitat alteration laws and bacterial standards. There will be public hearings on July 13, 15, 19, and 21, 2010, and the deadline for comments is August 4.

Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board has temporarily amended 326 Ind. Admin. Code §§1-4 to include the federal redesignations for Lake and Porter counties and Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, to attainment for the eight-hour ozone standard. The emergency rule took effect June 4, 2010. for the updated designation.

Iowa: Air

The Environmental Protection Commission seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Iowa Admin. Code ch. 23, Emission Standards for Contaminants; ch. 24, Excess Emission; and ch. 28, Ambient Air Quality Standards. Changes are largely designed to adopt by reference new federal codes for ambient air quality, but also include the Commission's strategy for implementing and enforcing new standards in addition to strategies to assist operations that previously had no air standards. There will be a public hearing on July 19, 2010, and the last day to submit comments is July 20.

Maine: Wildlife

The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has proposed changes to Ch. 4.08, which governs falconry. Changes would allow for the live capture of northern peregrine falcons by a limited number of permit holders, upon approval by the FWS. The Department expects that Maine will receive two of the 36 permits being issued to states by the Service. The deadline for comments is July 16, 2010.

Nevada: Governance

The Nevada Energy Commission proposed amendments to Nev. Admin. Code §701A, pertaining to provisions for energy-related tax incentives. Changes prescribe the process by which organizations or individuals may apply for a tax abatement and provide for a government hearing for applications. for the draft of amendments.

New York: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposes to amend NYCRR tit. 6 part 212, which pertains to nitrogen oxide emission reduction practices and potential controls for hot mix asphalt production plants. Among other changes, the amendment would require the owner or operator of a hot mix asphalt production plant to perform an annual tune up on the dryer burner and submit to the Department a plan to reduce the moisture content of the stockpiles. The comment period ends July 16, 2010.