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Arkansas: Energy

The Oil and Gas Commission adopted amendments to Rule A-2: General Hearing Procedures; Rule A-5: Enforcement Procedures; Rule D-14: Gas Assessment; Rule D-17: Regulation of Natural Gas Pipelines; Rule E-3: Exploration and Production Fluid Gathering, Handling, and Transportation; Rule H-2: Well Construction, Operating and Reporting Requirements for Class II Disposal Wells; Rule H-3: Well Construction, Operating and Reporting Requirements for Class II Commercial Disposal; G-1: Abandoned or Leaking Well and Well Site Remediation; and Rule H-1: Class II Disposal and Class II Commercial Disposal We

Florida: Wildlife

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will hold a meeting on proposed amendment to Fla. Admin. Code r. 68-1.003, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Grants Program; 68-5.001, Introduction of Non-native Species into the State; 68-5.002, Conditional Non-native Species; 68-5.003, Prohibited Non-native Species; 68A-1.004, Definitions; 68A-4.004, Possession of Wildlife or Freshwater Fish or the Carcasses Thereof; and 68A-9.002, Permits to Take Wildlife or Freshwater Fish for Justifiable Purposes. The meeting will be February 17-18, 2010.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to adopt La. Admin. Code tit. 33:III §§2201 and 2202, Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides. The rules would provide a new contingency plan to further control emissions of nitrogen oxides from facilities located in the Baton Rouge area and the region of influence in the event that U.S. EPA notifies the department that the Baton Rouge area has exceeded the 1997 eight-hour NAAQS for ozone and contingency has been triggered. pp. 59-63.

Maine: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Code Me. R. §§400, Solid Waste Management Rules General Provisions; 401, Landfill Disposal Facilities; and 409, Processing Facilities/Amendments.

Nevada: Energy

The Public Utilities Commission adopted amendments to Nev. Admin. Code ch. 701B, Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program. The amendments revise various provisions relating to the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.

Pennsylvania: Air

The Environmental Quality Board proposed amendments to 25 Pa.Code §129, Large Appliance and Metal Furniture Surface Coating Processes. The amendments would limit emissions of volatile organic compounds from the use and application of coatings and cleaning materials in large appliance and metal furniture surface coating processes.