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Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 33:III.501, Permit Term or Condition Referencing 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart DDDDD. The rule would repeal and reserve La. Admin. Code 33:III.501.B.8, which specifies that "any term or condition in a permit that references 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart DDDDD shall be null and unenforceable." The change follows a court ruling remanding and causing the re-promulgation of Subpart DDDDD. There will be a public hearing September 27, 2011, and the deadline for comment is October 4.

Louisiana: Energy

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to add La. Admin. Code 43.I. Chapter 11 and V. Chapter 4, Mineral Resources, Alternative Energy Leasing and Dry Hole Credit. The rule would detail the procedure for administering the leasing of state lands and water bottoms for the exploration, development, and production of alternative energy. The deadline for comment is September 23, 2011. pp. 2501-08.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 56:I.321, pertaining to water wells. Changes affect well location and registration. There will be a public hearing September 26, 2011, and the deadline for comment is October 3. pp. 2501-08.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 26.11.19, Volatile Organic Compounds from Specific Processes. The amendment would adopt U.S. EPA's Control Techniques Guidelines for miscellaneous metal and plastic parts for this category, and the rule change would affect pleasure craft coating operations. There will be a public hearing September 27, 2011. pp. 1099-1101.

Maryland: Water

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 26.17.01, Erosion and Sediment Control. Changes would revise the handbook "1994 Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control," incorporated by reference in the current regulations. Additionally, the name of the document would be changed to "2011 Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control." There will be a public hearing on September 16, 2011, and the deadline for comment is September 26.

Missouri: Air

The Department of Natural Resources adopted Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit.10, §6.405. The rule restricts the emission of particulate matter from fuel burning equipment used for indirect heating except where Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit.10, §6.070 would be applied. The rule takes effect October 1, 2011. pp. 2001-04.