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West Virginia: Air

The Division of Air Quality amended W. Va. Admin. Code §22.5.4, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources, Control of Air Pollution from Combustion of Solid Waste, and five other sections. In addition, the agency proposed the repeal of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Program.

Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Board amended 326 Ind. Admin. Code 2.2.1, 2.3.2, and 2.7.1, concerning permitting of ethanol production facilities. Changes exclude ethanol production facilities from those defined under the term "chemical process plants" in the major source category. The rule took effect August 21, 2011.

Indiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management seeks public comment on amendments to 326 Ind. Admin. Code 10.12.2 and 10.39, concerning changes and updates to the financial assurance rules for solid waste land disposal facilities. Changes would amend current language to be more consistent with hazardous waste financial assurance mechanisms and clarify the language required in the financial assurance instruments. The deadline for comment is September 16, 2011.

Maine: Waste

The Board of Environmental Protection amended Ch. 900, Biomedical Waste Management Rules. Changes remove the requirement that the sharps portion of treated biomedical waste be shredded prior to being landfilled and clarify which discarded cultures are subject to regulation under the rules. The amendment took effect August 13, 2011.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment amended Md. Code Regs. 26.11.01, General Administrative Provisions, and 26.11.09, Control of Fuel-Burning Equipment, Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, and Certain Fuel-Burning Installations. The amendment makes minor administrative corrections to the opacity regulations that became effective May 17, 2010. p. 1014.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment amended Md. Code Regs. 26.11.02, Permits, Approvals, and Registration, to clarify the requirements to obtain an exemption that must be met by facilities not normally exempt from needing a permit to construct under §§A-W. p. 1014.

Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources amended Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit.10, §20.6.010, Construction and Operating Permits. Changes alter the exemption for the application of pesticides, add an exemption for hydrant flushing, and clarify the requirements for continuing authority status. There will be a public hearing November 2, 2011, and the deadline for comment is November 16. pp. 1895-1908.