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New Mexico: Air

In order to comply with a 2005 gubernatorial executive order that mandates greenhouse gas reductions at set rates over the next 45 years, the Environmental Improvement Board will hold a public hearing on the possible implementation of a cap-and-trade program. As the Board felt that cap-and-trade programs were unlikely to be successful on a state level, it declined to implement a system until the 2007 addition of the state to the Western Climate Initiative.

Rhode Island: Energy

The Office of Energy Resources proposed to adopt Rules and Regulations for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. The rule is meant, in part, to designate funding awarded through the federal Recovery Act and sets program requirements for job creation and renewable energy grants across the state. It also sets allocations by municipality. The comment period ends August 2, 2010.

Rhode Island: Water

The Department of Environmental Management seeks public comment on proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations for Dredging and the Management of Dredged Materials. Among other changes, new statutes mandate that dredge material be stored in such a way that will prevent its later erosion into a waterway or wetland. Changes also alter sampling requirements. There will be a public hearing on August 18, 2010.