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Maine: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted changes to Chs. 400, 401, and 409, pertaining to solid waste processing facilities. The rules incorporate a statute requiring a new or expanded facility to recycle or process into fuel for combustion at least 50 percent of all waste accepted at the facility. The rules took effect July 20, 2010.

Michigan: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment proposed to amend Mich. Admin. Code R 336. 2801 and R 336.2816 to add requirements for fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) emissions and additional chain-of-command review. In addition, the department proposed to amend R 336.2830, which grants those aggrieved by an action or inaction of the department under prevention of significant deterioration of air quality regulations the right to an administrative hearing. There will be a public hearing on the rules on August 11, 2010.

Missouri: Energy

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to adopt Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10, §140.8, Certification of Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Standard Compliance Account. The law is meant to implement Proposition C, Renewable Energy Standard, in which Missouri voters elected to require utility companies to gradually increase their usage of renewable energy annually until 15 percent of the energy used in the state is renewable. pp. 1022-24.