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New Mexico: Water

The Water Quality Control Commission seeks public comment on proposed changes to N.M. Admin. Code §20.7.4, which pertains to utility operator certification requirements. The amendment would alter the classification criteria for certification. Classification is currently based on population. The changes would make it based on the complexity and difficulty of the laboratory analyses that are required to be performed by the system's laboratory technicians. There will be a public hearing on August 10, 2010.

South Carolina: Air

The Department of Health and the Environment has published a list of exempt sources in accordance with S.C. Reg. 61-62.1, § II(B)(3). The list outlines sources the Department considers "insignificant activity," meaning they emit less than 5 tons per year of any criteria pollutant or less than 1,000 pounds per year of any compound listed as a toxic air pollutant. Exempt sources do not require air pollution operating permits and include many heating and cooling systems and motor vehicles.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed amendments to 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§114.2, 114.51, and 114.64; and the repeal of §114.52, as revisions to the SIP for air pollution from motor vehicles. Changes attempt to help dealerships and inspection stations comply with state and federal laws. There will be public hearings on July 20, 21, and 22, 2010, and the comment period closes July 26. pp. 5718-29.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed amendments to 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§116.13, 116.710, 116.711, 116.715 -116.718, 116.720, 116.721, 116.730, 116.740, and 116.750; and new §116.765. Changes relate to air pollution permits for construction and minor new source review programs that the Commission is attempting to alter under the SIP. There will be a public hearing on July 29, 2010, and the comment period ends August 2. pp. 5729-44.

Texas: Water

The Water Development Board proposed the adoption of a new 31 Tex. Admin. Code §375 and the simultaneous repeal of the existing statute. The law governs the state's Clean Water State Revolving Fund and would change streamline procedures for applying for and receiving grants and loans. In addition, for the first time, the Board proposed subsidies: new U.S. EPA requirements mandate that 30 percent of a capitalization grant be allotted in subsidies for entities otherwise unable to afford fund loans. In addition, 20 percent of the grant must be spent on green projects.

Arizona: Water

The Department of Water Resources amended Ariz. Admin. Code §12.15, allowing the department to raise 2011 fees and charge an additional $118 fee for every hour the department spends reviewing an application. Maximum fees were set at $10,000 for applications determined by the department to be non-complex, and $65,000 for complex ones. Complex applications include issuance and renewal of most permits. In addition, the department has instituted a $300 fee to open well owners if the department caps the well and a number of new well-drilling related permit and license fees.

California: Water

The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection proposes to amend Calif. Code. Regs. tit. 14 to set regulations for operations on saturated soil to insure that they comply with state water quality requirements. The written comment period ends August 23, 2010, and there will be a public hearing on September 8. pp. 1045-47.