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Massachusetts: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection seeks public comment on its Solid Waste Master Plan. Massachusetts is currently bound by law to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and seeks to implement rules to aid in achieving such a reduction. The plan calls for a continued moratorium on new municipal solid waste combustion units, new performance standards for waste-to-energy facilities, and a dramatic increase in recycling assistance.

Nevada: Energy

The Office of Energy amended Nev. Admin. Code §§701.2-.22, which outline the requirements for receiving loans from the Fund for Renewable Energy and the Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Fund. Changes implement stipulations of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and, among other new requirements, mandate that the interest rate for loans will not exceed three percent and that projects must develop or expand renewable energy systems in Nevada. It also adds job creation to the list of criteria for loan consideration.