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Montana: Water

The Board of Environmental Review amended Mont. Admin. Code 17.38.101, 17.38.106, 17.38.502, 17.38.511, and 17.38.513 pertaining to plans for public water supply or wastewater system, fees, definitions, water supply, and chemical treatment of water. Changes add a definition for "rural distribution systems." pp. 1545-47.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed amendments to 30 Tex. Admin. Code §114.512 and §114.517, Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations. The changes amend the rule on idling limits for gasoline and diesel-powered engines in motor vehicles within the jurisdiction of any local government in the state that has signed a memorandum of agreement with the commission to delegate enforcement to that local government. Changes took effect August 11, 2011.

New Jersey: Waste

The Department of Community Affairs proposes to readopt the Lead Hazard Evaluation and Abatement Code, N.J. Admin. Code §5:17, which is scheduled to expire on May 29, 2011. Among other rules proposed for readoption, a fee of $2,268 is imposed for a lead-free certification. The comment period ends August 20, 2010. N.J. OAL 42 N.J.R. 1121(a).

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection readopted the Safe Water Drinking Act rules that establish the state primary and secondary drinking water regulations for public and nonpublic water systems, construction standards, fees, requirements for physical connections between an approved and an unapproved water supply, and provisions regarding civil administrative penalties and adjudicatory hearings under the New Jersey Safe Drinking Water Act, N.J. Stat. Ann. 58:12A-1 et seq. The rules were readopted without amendment.

New York: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation adopted revisions to the Low Emission Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Standards to incorporate revisions the California Air Resource Board made to its state's standards. Standards for vehicle manufacturers face new recordkeeping, reporting, and compliance regulations, and dealerships must maintain records to demonstrate that their cars are California certified. The rules go into effect July 8, 2010. pp. 6-7.