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Washington: Water

The Department of Ecology proposed to amend Wash. Admin. Code §173.224, Wastewater discharge permit fees. Changes increase fees 4.34 percent for state fiscal year 2012 and 4.62 percent for state fiscal year 2013. Affected permit categories include aquatic pest control, boatyards, dairies, concentrated animal feeding operations, construction stormwater individual and general permits, industrial stormwater individual and general permits, municipal domestic wastewater permits, municipal stormwater permits, and water treatment plants.

Wyoming: Air

The Air Quality Division proposed to amend Chapter 3, General Emission Standards; Chapter 5, National Emission Standards; Chapter 6, Permitting Requirements; Chapter 11, National Acid Rain Program; and Chapter 14, Emission Trading Program Regulations. Changes would bring state rules in line with federal regulations. There will be a public hearing August 16, 2011.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board proposed to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 13 §2497, Regulation for Mobile Cargo Handling Equipment at Ports and Intermodal Rail Yards. Changes would affect retrofit requirements, operational practices, emissions standards, and compliance requirements. The amendments give additional flexibility to owners and operators to cost-effectively comply with the regulations. There will be a public hearing September 22, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is September 21.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board proposed to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17 §§94010, 94011, 94016, 94150, and 94168, which incorporate by reference vapor recovery definitions, certification procedures, and test procedures. Changes would clarify language giving owners of gas dispensing facilities four years to replace current equipment when new standards become effective. There will be a public hearing September 22, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is September 21. pp.

Indiana: Air

The Natural Resources Commission temporarily amended 312 Ind. Admin. Code §2 concerning new source review provisions for fine particulate matter and deferral of carbon dioxide emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources under the prevention of significant deterioration and Title V programs. Changes took effect August 3, 2011.