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Delaware: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control proposed to amend 7 Del. Admin. Code 7201.9.5, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. The amendments would function as the baseline concentrated animal feeding operations standards for compliance with NPDES permits applicable to certain farms. There will be a public hearing August 25, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is August 31.

District of Columbia: Toxic substances

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend 20 D.C. Municipal Regs. §§20.8, Asbestos, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxides, and Lead, and 20.33, Regulation of Lead-Based Paint Activities. Changes would allow the department to make regulatory adjustments to implement the Lead Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act of 2008 and the Lead Hazard Prevention and Elimination Amendment Act of 2010. The deadline for public comment is August 20, 2011.

Idaho: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality amended Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.01, Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho. Changes streamline Idaho§s Rules for Control of Kraft Pulp Mills by removing requirements that are either obsolete or covered by existing federal rules. Changes also clarify reporting requirements. The rule will take effect upon adjournment of the state legislature unless the rule is rejected. p. 272.

Idaho: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.01, Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho. Changes are proposed to alter definitions and incorporations by reference to ensure consistency with federal regulations. There will be a public hearing September 7, 2011. pp. 273-79.

Idaho: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.10, Rules Regulating the Disposal of Radioactive Materials Not Regulated Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Changes would incorporate a revised definition of "restricted hazardous waste" from House Bill 93, and incorporate federal changes to regulations. The deadline for written comment is August 31, 2011. pp. 292-95.

Idaho: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.24, Standards and Procedures for Application of Risk Based Corrective Action at Petroleum Release Sites. Changes correct and update tables and incorporate the use of soil vapor into the risk evaluation process. The deadline for written comment is August 31, 2011. pp. 296-308.

Idaho: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.02, Water Quality Standards. Changes relate to thermal effluent limits in NPDES permits that, according to the Department, contain provisions greater than needed to protect aquatic life and outdated numeric criteria to protect salmonid spawning, in addition to excessive limits on water temperature rise. The temporary rule took effect June 30, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is September 2.