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Montana: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation proposed to amend Mont. Admin. R. 36.12.101, 36.12.102, 36.12.103, and 36.12.1701 regarding water rights permitting. Changes would alter definitions to define "manifold" and would remove obsolete earmarks and forms. There will be a public hearing August 10, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is August 11. pp. 1277-86.

Texas: Waste

The Commission on Environmental Quality amended 30 Tex. Admin. Code §328.66, Management of Used or Scrap Tires. Under the rule change, applicants for Land Reclamation Projects Using Tires are no longer required to publish public notice in adjacent counties; public notice need only be published in the county in which the facility is to be located. The amendment took effect July 14, 2011. pp. 4415-16.

South Dakota: Waste

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources proposed to amend solid waste rules to include definitions related to medical waste, repeal medical waste rules to eliminate redundancy, and amend regional haze program rules to revise the emission limits for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to include periods of startup and shutdown for coal-fired power plants. There will be a public hearing on August 18, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is August 17. p.