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Vermont: Water

The Department of Environmental Conservation amended Ch. 24, Groundwater Withdrawal Reporting and Permitting Rules. The rule pertains to the reporting requirements for groundwater withdrawals of greater than 20,000 gallons per day and the permitting requirements for groundwater withdrawals of greater than 57,600 gallons per day. Changes took effect June 22, 2011.

Virginia: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality amended 9 Va. Admin. Code §§20.60, 20.70, 20.81, 20.85, 20.120, 20.130, 20.140, 20.150, 20.160, & 20.170, Solid Waste Management Regulations. Changes make necessary corrections to the section following the March 16, 2011 amendment of 9 Va. Admin. Code §20.81. The changes take effect August 3, 2011. pp. 2303-401.

Washington: Water

The Department of Ecology proposed to amend Wash. Admin. Code §§173.98, Uses and limitations of the water pollution control revolving fund, & 173.95, Uses and limitations of centennial clean water fund. Changes would establish funding categories, ceiling amounts, and project eligibility for green project reserves projects and forgivable principal loans as part of the revolving fund. There will be a public hearing July 26, 2011, and the deadline for comment is August 3, 2011. The date of intended adoption is September 7, 2011.

Colorado: Waste

The Department of Public Health and Environment amended 6 Colo. Code. Regs. §1007.3, Hazardous Waste. Changes relate to Revisions to the OECD Requirements for Export Shipments of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries. Among other changes, the amendments alter the definition of hazardous waste in the context of spent lead-acid batteries and add requirements for amber waste. Changes take effect August 16, 2011.

Colorado: Water

The Water Quality Control Commission amended 5 Colo. Code Regs. §1002.31, Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surface Water. Changes outline requirements for the Commission to grant temporary modification to numeric standards and delay consideration of nutrient criteria until March 2012. In addition, the Commission altered standards for a number of state rivers and basins. Changes take effect August 16, 2011.