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New Mexico: Air

The Environmental Improvement Board amended N.M. Code §20.2.73 to require that sources using a different emission monitoring or calculation method than was used to report sulfur dioxide emissions in 2006 adjust their reported emissions to be comparable to the emission monitoring or calculation method that was used in 2006. Changes took effect July 6, 2011.

New Mexico: Air

The Environmental Improvement Board amended N.M. Code §20.2.81 to conform those rules to federal requirements for regional haze. The plan establishes requirements for state rules to meet the requirements of 40 C.F.R. §51.309, including a determination of best available retrofit technology for nitrogen oxides. Changes took effect July 6, 2011.

Oregon: Climate Change

The Land Conservation and Development Department adopted Or. Admin. R. 660.044, Metropolitan Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets. Changes would set light vehicle greenhouse gas emissions targets for the state's metropolitan areas for 2035. The targets are designed to guide local governments in land use and transportation planning to help the state achieve 2050 targets of greenhouse gas emissions 75% below 1990 levels. The guidelines encourage metropolitan areas to use the standards required for Portland.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed to amend 30 Tex. Admin. Code §115, Control of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Changes would implement new VOC storage tank control requirements. There will be public hearings on July 14, 18, and 22, and the comment period closes July 25. pp. 3801-97.