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California: Water

The Department of Water Resources proposed to amend Cal. Code Regs. tit. 23 §2.5.1, Industrial Process Water Exclusion in the Calculation of Gross Water Use. The amendment would exclude industrial process water from the calculation of gross water use for purposes of urban water management planning. This would apply to all urban retail water suppliers required to submit an Urban Water Management Plan. There will be public hearings on April 13 and 18, 2011, and the comment period closes April 18.

Iowa: Water

The Environmental Protection Commission proposed to amend Iowa Admin. Code chs. 38, Private Water Well Construction Permits; 39, Requirements for Properly Plugging Abandoned Wells; 49, Nonpublic Water Supply Wells; and 82, Well Contractor Certification, and to adopt new Chapter 48, Ground Heat Exchanger (GHEX) Loop Borehole Systems. Changes would rescind current GHEX language and standardize the minimum construction requirements for this type of well. There will be six hearings throughout early April, and the deadline for public comment is April 12, 2011.

New Hampshire: Air

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to amend Env-A 1200, Volatile Organic Compounds Reasonably Available Control Technology. Changes would implement U.S. EPA's control technique requirements and incorporate other federal regulations. There will be a public hearing April 1, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is April 11. pp. 5-6.

New Jersey: Energy

The Board of Public Utilities adopted N.J. Admin. Code §14.8.6, Offshore Wind Renewable Energy. The rules provide an application process and a framework under which the Board will consider and approve applications for offshore renewable facilities and Offshore Renewable Energy Certificates. These special adopted new rules will remain in effect until August 10, 2012, or until the rules are proposed for public comment and readopted through standard rulemaking procedures. 43 N.J.R. 658(a).

New Jersey: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to adopt N.J. Admin. Code §7.1B, Waiver of Department Rules, to establish the conditions and procedures for the Department to approve waivers from strict compliance with its rules. A waiver may be granted if rules conflict, a rule is unduly burdensome in specific application, or a net environmental benefit would be realized. There will be a public hearing April 14, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is May 6. 43 N.J.R. 473(a).