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Oregon: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Or. Admin. Code §§340.045.0075 and 340.071.0140. Changes raise water quality permit fees and create a construction stormwater permit fee for sites less than one acre. There will be three hearings throughout Oregon in late March, and comments are due April 1, 2011. pp. 9-10.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality amended 30 Tex. Admin. Code §§116.13, 116.710, 116.711, 116.715 -116.718, 116.720, 116.721, 116.730, 116.740, and 116.750; and new §116.765. Changes relate to air pollution permits for construction and minor new source review programs that the Commission altered under the SIP. pp. 1312-35.

Washington: Air

The Department of Ecology proposed to revise Wash. Admin. Code §173.422A, Motor vehicle emission inspection. Changes would amend the current emissions inspection process, exempting light diesel vehicles from inspection, eliminating the gas cap test and dynamometer testing, and tightening the test standards for heavy-duty diesel vehicles, among other alterations. There will be a public hearing on March 22, 2011, and comments are due March 31.