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Delaware: Air

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control amended 7 Del. Admin. Code §1124.8.0, Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds; §1124.13.0, Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Coating Operations; §1124.16.0, Paper Coating; §1124.23.0, Coating of Flat Wood Paneling; §1124.37.0, Graphic Art Systems; and §1124.45.0, Industrial Cleaning Solvents. All amendments relate to ozone nonattainment areas. The amendments take effect March 11, 2011.

Delaware: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control amended 7 Del. Admin. Code §5104, Delaware Coastal Management Program Federal Consistency Policies and Procedures. Changes would add a section on interstate consistency review, defined in the proposed regulation as the "process by which an activity occurring wholly in one state but with the potential to affect the coastal resources of another state can be reviewed by the affected state for consistency with its federally approved coastal management program." There will be a public hearing March 22, 2011.

Indiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management proposed to amend 329 Ind. Admin. Code §3.1 to incorporate recent changes to federal rules. Changes would add a section to describe hazardous wastes excluded from regulation, remove the emission-comparable fuel exclusion, and remove saccharin and its salts from the lists of hazardous wastes and hazardous constituents, among other alterations. Comments must be received by April 1, 2011.

Louisiana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality amended La. Admin. Code 33:IX.2315.A.8. Changes will eliminate the exemption that removes the need for a Louisiana pollutant discharge elimination system permit when applying a pesticide in accordance with the FIFRA label. On April 11, 2011, anyone applying a pesticide without a permit will be in violation of the CWA. pp. 588-89.

Maryland: Water

The Department of the Environment amended Md. Code Regs 26.04.01, Water Supply, Sewage Disposal, and Solid Waste. The rules are intended to reduce the risk of viruses in groundwater systems, update the unregulated contaminant list, enhance the implementation of existing rules to protect public water system customers from exposure to lead and copper in drinking water, and clarify the requirements of current state regulations to control disinfectants and disinfection byproducts and surface water treatment. The change was adopted January 21, 2011, and the rules take effect March 7.

New Hampshire: Water

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to amend Env-Dw 1002, Water Supply Land Protection Grant Program. Changes would expand eligibility criteria to include future sources of public water supply and nonprofits with land conservation as their principal mission. There will be a public hearing on March 23, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is April 4. pp. 1-2.