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Louisiana: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 33:III.111, 211, 223, 501, 503, 523, 537, and 2132, Green House Gases. Changes would remove carbon dioxide from the list of pollutants that "need not be included in a permit application" and set thresholds for greenhouse gas pollutants. There will be a public hearing on February 22, 2011, and the deadline for comment is March 1. pp. 365-66.

New Hampshire: Air

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to readopt Env-A 700, Permit Fee System. Amendments would add a definition of "regulated air pollutant" to clarify that for the purposes of the rule the term refers to toxic air pollutants, among other changes. There will be a public hearing on February 25, 2011, and the deadline for comment is March 7. pp. 3-4.

New Mexico: Climate Change

The Environmental Improvement Board amended N.M. Code R. §20.2.100, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program. The regulations regulate greenhouse gas emissions statewide as an air pollutant and public nuisance through the imposition of an emissions cap. The rule takes effect January 1, 2013, or six months after N.M. Code R. §20.2.350 is no longer in effect, whichever is later.

Oregon: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to adopt Or. Admin. R. Chapter 340.053, pertaining to the permitting of graywater reuse and disposal systems. The regulation would establish a public policy to encourage the reuse of graywater, establish requirements for reuse for the protection of public health, and establish design and construction standards for reuse and disposal systems, among other rules.