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Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to amend Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit.10, §26.2, Underground Storage Tanks--Technical Regulations. The changes would clarify the definition of an underground storage tank and define specific words used in the chapter. In addition, the changes would remove references to a 1998 deadline and add modern standards for testing and evaluating steel tanks. There will be a public hearing June 16, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is June 23.

Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources amended Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 10, §20-8.110, Engineering--Reports, Plans, and Specifications. The amendment updates the rule to current industry practices, providing specific and clear requirements for engineering reports, facility plans, plans, and specifications. pp. 1384-88.

Oklahoma: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Quality amended Okla. Admin. Code §252.100, Air Pollution Control, to incorporate U.S. EPA's new greenhouse gas rules. The state rules will not be more stringent than federal rules. In addition, the amendments will alter the department's fee structure to charge a different rate for emitters of hazardous air pollutants, lead, and lead compounds. The rules were approved by the governor April 12, 2011.