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Idaho: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.01, Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho. Changes would streamline Idaho§s Rules for Control of Kraft Pulp Mills by removing requirements that are either obsolete or covered by existing federal rules. Changes would also clarify reporting requirements. There will be a hearing on June 6, 2011. pp. 78-82.

Idaho: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Idaho Admin. Code r. 58.01.02, Water Quality Standards, to remove excessive thermal treatment requirements and outdated numeric criteria to protect salmonid spawning. According to the Department, existing requirements result in costs greater than needed to protect aquatic life resources. There will be a public hearing May 25, 2011. pp. 99-100.

Iowa: Wildlife

The Natural Resources Commission amended Iowa Admin. Code §22, Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands Promotion Program. The program allows the Department to develop a pilot program in which it will create, manage, and enhance wildlife habitat on private land in exchange for allowing public access for hunting. The rule will take effect June 18, 2011. pp. 1538-44.

Louisiana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality amended La. Admin. Code 33:III.1101, 1106 and 1107, Control of Emissions of Smoke. Changes would change the provision allowing for one six-minute period in 60 consecutive minutes during which smoke opacity may exceed 20% so that it is not limited to activities involving the cleaning of a fire box or building of a new fire, soot blowing or lancing, charging of an incinerator, equipment changes, ash removal, or rapping of precipitators. pp. 1143-44.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend La. Admin. Code 33:IX.Chapter 73, Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids. Changes would incorporate requirements that currently exist as policy within the Department and would clarify the requirements of Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Biosolids. There will be a public hearing May 24, 2011. pp. 1223-27.

Maine: Waste

The Board of Environmental Protection proposed to amend Ch. 900, Biomedical Waste Management Rules. Changes would remove the requirement that the sharps portion of treated biomedical waste be shredded prior to being landfilled. Changes would also clarify which discarded cultures are subject to regulation under the rules. The deadline for comment is June 3, 2011.

New Jersey: Energy

The Board of Public Utilities adopted amendments to N. J. Admin. Code §§ &, Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards. The rules require electric power suppliers and basic generation service providers to include minimum percentages of renewable energy in the electricity they sell. The amendments codify new statutory requirements enacted through the Solar Energy Advancement and Fair Competition Act. The rules took effect March 30, 2011, and will be in effect until September 30, 2012. 43 N.J.R.