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Maine: Energy

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to add Ch. 375, No Adverse Environmental Effect Standard of the Site Location Law, Section 10: Control of Noise, Sound Level Limits and Measurements for Wind Turbine Projects. Changes would set maximum noise requirements for wind turbines. There will be a public hearing May 19, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is June 3.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 26.11.01, General Administrative Provisions, to remove references to Topical Memorandum 90-01 from the state's opacity regulations. There will be a public hearing May 25, 2011. pp. 561-62.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 26.11.02, Permits, Approvals, and Registration, to clarify the requirements that must be met by facilities not normally exempt from needing a Permit to Construct under §§A-W to obtain an exemption. There will be a public hearing May 25, 2011. pp. 562-65.

Maryland: Air

The Department of the Environment proposed to amend Md. Code Regs. 26.11.19, Volatile Organic Compounds from Specific Processes, to incorporate EPA's Control Techniques Guidelines for lithographic and letterpress printing into the state§s current regulations for the control of volatile organic compounds. There will be a public hearing May 25, 2011. pp. 565-68.

Virginia: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to add 9 Va. Admin. Code §5.520, Biomass Energy Generator General Permit for a Pilot Test Facility. The rule would create a mechanism for sources to construct and test to determine the type and quantity of emissions from a qualified energy generator. The rule would apply to generators that produce five megawatts or fewer of electricity, or produce the equivalent amount of energy in the form of fuel, steam, or other energy product per year from biomass. The rule also defines what constitutes biomass.

California: Toxic Substances

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment altered the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer to include ethanol in alcoholic beverages, leather dust, cyclopenta[cd]pyrene, and salted fish, Chinese-style, effective April 29, 2011. The list will also include androstenedione, dibromoacetonitrile, and malonaldehyde, sodium salt effective May 3. pp. 711-12.