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Florida: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend 62 Fla. Admin. Code §210.200, Stationary Sources--General Requirements, and §213.202, Operation Permits for Major Sources of Air Pollution. The proposal would eliminate Title V air general permits and replace them with non-Title V air general permits. The deadline for comment is April 29, 2011.

Louisiana: Water

The Office of Conservation amended LAC 56:I chapters 1, 3, 5, and 7 to address numerous typographical changes arising as a result of Act 437 of 2009, which transferred the duties and responsibilities relative to groundwater resources, water wells, and drillers from the Department of Transportation and Development to the Department of Natural Resources.

Montana: Water

The Board of Environmental Review proposed to amend Mont. Admin. Code 17.38.101, 17.38.106, 17.38.502, 17.38.511, and 17.38.513 pertaining to plans for public water supply or wastewater system, fees, definitions, water supply, and chemical treatment of water. Changes would add a definition for "rural distribution systems." There will be a public hearing May 11, 2011. pp. 521-27.

New York: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Conservation amended N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6, §§200, 201, & 231, New Source Review Requirements for Proposed New Major Facilities and Major Modifications to Existing Facilities. Changes would alter definitions to include references to carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. The emergency regulation took effect March 28, 2011. pp. 9-16.