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New Jersey: Wildlife

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend N.J. Admin. Code § & 13, Endangered and Nongame Species. Changes would revise certain definitions in the section and add new status categories. 43 N.J.R. 87a.

New York: Air

The Department of Environmental Conservation amended N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6, §§200 & 247, Outdoor Wood Boilers Used to Heat Homes and Commercial Establishments. Changes relate to particulate emission standards and engineering controls for new outdoor wood boilers. The amendments take effect January 28, 2011. pp. 30-36.

New York: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Conservation implemented an emergency amendment to N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6, §§200, 201, & 231, New Source Review Requirements for Proposed New Major Facilities and Major Modifications to Existing Facilities. Changes would incorporate U.S. EPA's tailoring rule. The emergency regulation took effect December 29, 2010, and the rule will expire March 28, 2011. pp. 22-30.

Oklahoma: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend Okla. Admin. Code §252.215.21, Waste Tire Processing, Certification, Permits and Compensation. Changes would implement the requirements of the amended Oklahoma Waste Tire Recycling Act, establishing a waste tire recycling fee for agricultural tires and requiring the Department to maintain a list of tire weights. There will be a public hearing on February 25, 2011, and the deadline for written comments is February 22.

Pennsylvania: Land use

The Environmental Quality Board amended 25 Pa. Admin. Code Ch. 250, Administration of the Land Recycling Program. Changes update the standards related to cleanup of contaminated sites under the Land Recycling Act. The Land Recycling Act requires the Board to establish by regulation uniform statewide health-based standards so that any substantial present or probable future risk to human health and the environment is eliminated.

Wisconsin: Wildlife

The Department of Natural Resources amended Wis. Admin. Code NR 27.03 to list cave bats as a threatened species. The proposed rule responds to the spread of white-nose syndrome in the state. It also amends NR 40.04 to include the white-nose syndrome-causing fungus geomyces destructans as a prohibited invasive species. pp. 9-10.