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76 FR 34000

Pennsylvania (air pollution control rules and regulations for Allegheny County).

76 FR 32321

Pennsylvania (quality assurance for the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program).

76 FR 31856

Pennsylvania (control techniques guidelines for flat wood paneling surface coating processes).

76 FR 36329

Idaho (regional haze program and interstate transport plan).

76 FR 33651

Idaho (regional haze and best available retrofit technology requirements).

76 FR 34872

(regional haze program and interstate transport plan).

76 FR 34608

California (regional haze program and interstate transport plan).

76 FR 38287

DOE amended until no later than December 31, 2012, the compliance dates for manufacturers to submit certification reports for commercial refrigeration equipment; commercial heating, ventilating, air- conditioning equipment; commercial water heating equipment; and automatic commercial ice makers under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975.

76 FR 38023

Alabama (Birmingham fine particulate matter nonattainment area).